
Syd, also known as Umbdead,
is a freelance digital artist working from his home. He is self employed and self taught, with over 10 years of experience.

In his spare time, he enjoys ttrpgs, novels and wilderness adventures. He has a passion for creatures, cats, and all things spooky.

Personal Commission Terms of Service

Before You Commission
You must be of legal age to commission me. By commissioning me you are agreeing that you are eighteen (18) years or older.
The artist has the right to refuse any commission request, or cancel the commission at any time there after. Appropriate refunds will be given upon cancellation. Reasons for commission denial may be requested by commissioner.
Prices listed on form are for labor cost ONLY. For commercial work, please contact me via email at [email protected].
This artist does not approve of AI or NFTs. Use of art to train any AI programs, or for use in NFT projects, is not approved. AI images as reference material for a commission is also not approved.
By commissioning me, you have agreed to these terms of service. Anyone found breaking terms of service will be given a verbal warning. Repeat or egregious offenses may result in a blacklist.
Payment and Refunds
I accept payment through PayPal invoices.
Payment is in USD ONLY. PayPal's built in currency conversion system is valid. Cryptocurrency is not valid.
Payment plans and holds are allowed. If payment cannot be made in full immediately, then plans or holds are allowed to be requested. The commission will be started once payment has been made in full.
Refunds may be requested at any time during the commission process for any reason. If the commission has not been started, then the commissioner is entitled to a full refund with no questions asked. Otherwise, refund amount will vary on how much of the commission was completed. Artist will confirm refund amount with the commissioner before sending. No refunds are available once the piece is completed.
Edits MAY result in a fee. Each commission comes with two free edits during the rough sketch phase. Additional edits after two will be +5% of base price each. Edits to linework or refined sketch after rough sketch was approved will be +10% of base price.
Customer Responsibility and Rights
It is the customer’s responsibility to communicate any issues had with the commission they are receiving. Feedback will be requested from the commissioner during the commission process. Please communicate any errors or adjustments at this time.
It is the customer’s responsibility to communicate if the commission is to be kept a secret until posting. If your commission is a surprise gift or you would like to keep it private, just let me know!
Both the commissioner and the artist have the right to display the commissioned piece. The commissioner may post their commissioned art for personal use. Likewise, the artist may post the work for gallery and portfolio purposes.
The customer is not permitted to alter their commission, or have another party alter the commission for them, without my explicit permission. Edits may be requested for up to a month after completion of a commissioned work.